Axiata Sustainability

Advancing Our People & Communities

Talent Development & Attraction

Advancing Our People & Communities

Talent Development & Attraction

By identifying, developing and retaining high quality employees, we are better placed to reach our goals as an organisation.

Cognisant of the increasing shortage of skilled labour – especially for highly technical roles – we strive to maintain effective pipelines for future leadership. Supporting this, strategic frameworks and talent councils have been established at both the Group and OpCo levels, with the aim of consistently recognising and developing high-potential talent so that they are ready to assume leadership roles. We also invest steadily in digital upskilling and other professional development initiatives, cultivating a workforce that is future-proofed and ready for the fast-evolving challenges of the digital landscape.


We aim to create Modern, Agile, and Digital (M.A.D.) ways of working among our people by using digital platforms to bridge competency gaps and enable career advancement. Our value creation goals include attracting and retaining talented individuals as well as providing diverse career advancement opportunities.

Creating Engaging Leadership Journeys

Leveraging on the immense operational footprint we have and the diversity of our Triple Core Businesses, we encourage our employees to explore career development opportunities under the Axiata Talent Mobility. To drive leadership development, the Axiata Group Accelerated Development Programme (AXcelerator) and OpCo Accelerated Development Programmes provide an avenue for high-performing talents to be nurtured to enter leadership roles.

Collectively, our programmes enable more exciting, growth-centric and fast-paced leadership journeys, empowering our talents to unlock their full potential in the digital economy and job market, whether at Axiata or beyond.

121 top-level talents have been identified by AXcelerator
670 mid-level talents have been identified by OpCo Accelerated Development Programmes

35% of senior leadership positions filled internally

Building A Digital And Tech-Ready Workforce

In our quest to become a diversified TechCo, we’re placing focus on attracting and upskilling digital, AI and analytics talents that can drive our transformation. In 2022, we successfully certified 368 data professionals, with plans to build on this achievement by revamping our analytics curriculum in 2023 and beyond, thereby driving the development of more highly and specifically-skilled AI talents.

A Purposeful Mission

Ultimately, our initiatives contribute to our corporate vision, purpose and values, delivering on our responsibilities as a regional telecommunications and digital leader.

Our vision

To be The Next Generation Digital Champion

Our purpose

Advancing Asia


Uncompromising Integrity & Exceptional Performance